Teenage Literature

Never before in the history of publishing has young adult literature been more popular. With record-breaking sales of the Harry Potter series and other novels with teenagers as the central characters, these books are being read and enjoyed not just by teens but by adults as well. This class will look at five novels covering the last 60 years in order to discover the common threads of teenagehood, but also to look at how things have changed over time. Catcher in the Rye, The Outsiders, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and a novel chosen by the class as a whole will be required reading; each student will be allowed to choose an additional novel of their choice. In addition to reading, students will be asked to reflect on the novels in writing and discussions, and to complete several literary analysis essays.
½ credit English

Instructor: Elizabeth Blondia


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Leelanau School

One Old Homestead Road
Glen Arbor, MI 49636


The Leelanau School ignites a passion for learning in a boarding school where students thrive by engaging academically and by celebrating everyone’s unique learning styles in a culture of acceptance, leading to successful and meaningful lives in college and beyond.

Copyright 2018 Leelanau School
One Old Homestead Road, Glen Arbor, MI 49636 | 231-334-5800