Category: School

New Year Gifts from The Homestead

The holidays were extended for The Leelanau School thanks to our neighbors to the northeast at The Homestead.  Yesterday, we received word that The Homestead was upgrading and renovating their conference areas, and as a result had a wonderful array of gently used items that they were kind enough to donate to The Leelanau School.
“They sent photos and detailed descriptions of all the items and it quickly became obvious that the chairs and whiteboards in particular would be put to very good use at our school,” said JD Friley, Head of The Leelanau School.
The items were ready to go by the next morning and Leelanau students and staff loaded them into trucks and unloaded them in our Learning Commons and in our Karman Activity Center.
It didn’t take long for the students to find them and give them the big thumbs up. The dark brown chairs are perfect in our Learning Commons, because they allow us to rearrange the space quickly and gather in circles, around desks and in quiet study areas.  Plus, the color and texture will hide dirt!  The chairs they are replacing are decades old, and have been repaired numerous times.
The lighter chairs will be used in the Karman Activity Center which is used as a class room, meeting room and casual gathering space. They will be functional, comfortable and much more attractive than what we were using.
“We are so very grateful that The Homestead donated these great items to us! What a wonderful way to start the New Year!” Friley said.

One parent’s description of the “Greatest School on Earth” by Dean Dauphinais

When you’re a parent, one of the most painful things you can experience is watching your child struggle. It can be agonizing, because even though every ounce of your being wants to make things better, sometimes it seems like nothing works.

My younger son, Josh, started having difficulties in school in seventh grade. An extremely bright kid, he had been a model student up until then. Learning was easy for him and keeping up with his schoolwork was never a problem. So when things took a turn for the worse, my wife and I were perplexed.

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Leelanau School Celebrates Success

Thanks to dedicated Staff, Donors, and Board Members

The Leelanau School is pleased to announce that it has completed their $4 million LeelaNow Campaign. This campaign was a key element in a successful debt reduction and financial restructuring program. Through guidance from the Board of Trustees, smart business management, sophisticated fundraising, and generous outside financial support, the school has successfully placed itself on a sound and sustainable financial base.

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Students Take Experiential Learning Trips to Chicago, Detroit

Detroit TripThese days, some schools frown upon trips that take kids out of school, even if the travel is educational. For example, the principal of a school in Pennsylvania made the news recently when she told a father that his children would receive unexcused absences for accompanying him on his trip to Boston to run the Boston Marathon. For that principal, time away from school apparently means that children aren’t learning.

At the Leelanau School, we think differently.

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Leelanau School

One Old Homestead Road
Glen Arbor, MI 49636


The Leelanau School ignites a passion for learning in a boarding school where students thrive by engaging academically and by celebrating everyone’s unique learning styles in a culture of acceptance, leading to successful and meaningful lives in college and beyond.

Copyright 2018 Leelanau School
One Old Homestead Road, Glen Arbor, MI 49636 | 231-334-5800