Spring LeelaNews Complete

The spring LeelaNews has been published and should be arriving in mailboxes soon. This edition of the LeelaNews has great articles about Life Skills Education, the recent visit by Joshua Davis and On Stage 4 Kids, plus updates on the Leelanow donor campaign and an update from our Admissions Department.

If you don’t receive the print version of the spring LeelaNews, the current issue can be found here: Spring 2015 LeelaNews. If you’d like to be added to our mailing list, please send us an email or submit your information online.

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Leelanau School

One Old Homestead Road
Glen Arbor, MI 49636


The Leelanau School ignites a passion for learning in a boarding school where students thrive by engaging academically and by celebrating everyone’s unique learning styles in a culture of acceptance, leading to successful and meaningful lives in college and beyond.

Copyright 2018 Leelanau School
One Old Homestead Road, Glen Arbor, MI 49636 | 231-334-5800