Advanced Digital Photography and Imaging

This is a class designed for students who have an understanding of digital photography but wish to become more proficient in the technical aspects of digital photography process and image output. The class will be a hands-on class where students apply advanced camera techniques in class and then go out in the field to apply these concepts and techniques to optimize as well as completely manipulate images they have selected for processing. They will attain a high level of proficiency in the understanding of all of the specific camera functions. Students will be using Adobe Photoshop. Students will study and perform in low light photography, action photography, portraiture, nature/wildlife photography, journalism photography, architecture/interior photography and finally macro photography. Students will be expected to produce a portfolio with images from the five content areas mastered during this course. Students will be asked to purchase their own cameras that meet specific requirements.
A ½ credit in Art can be earned.

Instructor: Mr. Pina

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Leelanau School

One Old Homestead Road
Glen Arbor, MI 49636


The Leelanau School ignites a passion for learning in a boarding school where students thrive by engaging academically and by celebrating everyone’s unique learning styles in a culture of acceptance, leading to successful and meaningful lives in college and beyond.

Copyright 2018 Leelanau School
One Old Homestead Road, Glen Arbor, MI 49636 | 231-334-5800