Leelanau School Celebrates Success

Thanks to dedicated Staff, Donors, and Board Members

The Leelanau School is pleased to announce that it has completed their $4 million LeelaNow Campaign. This campaign was a key element in a successful debt reduction and financial restructuring program. Through guidance from the Board of Trustees, smart business management, sophisticated fundraising, and generous outside financial support, the school has successfully placed itself on a sound and sustainable financial base.

The LeelaNow Campaign was launched on November 1, 2013 with a goal to reduce the debt, fund operations and scholarships. By the end of September of 2015, The Leelanau School surpassed the $4.6 million mark and announced the successful conclusion of the LeelaNow Campaign. The debt has been reduced from $3.5 million to $1.6 million.

We are truly grateful to all 700 donors who contributed during this Campaign, and are especially grateful to our board and LeelaNow Campaign Committee members for their work in seeing this major goal achieved. Fundraising will continue for operations, scholarship and program support.

Leadership donors included past parent Karen Buchwald Wright, who provided more than $2 million in support toward this goal. $1.590 million was given by an anonymous donor family. These visionary donors join hundreds of alumni, parents, community members and friends in their belief that The Leelanau School truly changes lives and is worthy of significant financial support.

With this milestone accomplished, we offer our gratitude and acknowledge The Leelanau School’s Board of Trustees for their service. Some of these individuals agreed to stay on board far longer than they had anticipated in order to secure significantly reduced and permanent financing. Others concluded their term with this milestone event. Each board member has been instrumental in enabling the school’s ongoing growth and success.

Chairman, Bob McNutt shepherded the school through this period of improved financial strength and we are truly grateful to Bob for his tireless support and fund raising skills. He has accepted a role as Chairman Emeritus Trustee. Please join me in congratulating Bob for this distinct and well-deserved honor.

On behalf of The Leelanau School, we offer sincere thanks for the love, wisdom, and time all our board members have given. Their footprints will be forever present on the Leelanau School campus.

We are pleased to welcome Carolyn Helmlinger real estate and investment executive from Northport and John Hyatt, banking executive from Traverse City as our newest board members. They are joining Greg Wahl, manufacturing executive from Sterling IL, and Mary Beth Hardwicke, a retired physician-educator from Interlochen. These four individuals bring unique skills, business acumen and prior non-profit board experience to our school. They share the love and passion for The Leelanau School which was held by our retiring Board members and look forward to continuing to guide our School toward a bright future.


Matt Ralston
Head of School

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Leelanau School

One Old Homestead Road
Glen Arbor, MI 49636


The Leelanau School ignites a passion for learning in a boarding school where students thrive by engaging academically and by celebrating everyone’s unique learning styles in a culture of acceptance, leading to successful and meaningful lives in college and beyond.

Copyright 2018 Leelanau School
One Old Homestead Road, Glen Arbor, MI 49636 | 231-334-5800